Using the Class Catalyst Curriculum Frameworks


We are thrilled that you have chosen to use our curricular framework. We know it will provide you with the tools, strategies, lessons, and assessment activities you need to meet your students where they are and increase their competence in SEL.

Curriculum Desktop View with CASEL SELect BadgeHow Do I Use This Curriculum?

Our recommendation for using the Class Catalyst Curriculum is to teach one weekly 30-minute lesson. However, lessons can be divided into shorter segments depending on your schedule. We suggest beginning with Unit 1 and working through all five units. However, we believe that you know your students best, so you have the option to pick and choose lessons and components based on what your students need.

Each unit is based on one of the five Collaborative for Academic, Social, & Emotional Learning (CASEL) competencies. At the start of every unit, there is an explanation of each competency and the success criteria used to determine progress and understanding. You will also see an overview of all the lessons in the unit including each lesson’s essential questions and objectives. You can access the scope and sequence for each grade band here.

Success Criteria

Learning Targets

Class Catalyst Curriculum has designed learning targets for each lesson which are written in student-friendly language. This is so that students of all ages can reflect on their own success or continued development needs at the end of each lesson and unit.

Materials Needed


At the beginning of each lesson, we will identify what materials you need to have on hand and prepare for each lesson.

Materials Needed


The agenda will give you a lesson overview so that you as an educator can get a glimpse at each component planned.

Materials Needed

Key Vocabulary

Vocabulary words used throughout the lesson will be highlighted. A link to the Class Catalyst Directory of Terms is provided if you need definitions for each word or concept.

Materials Needed

Teachers’ Guide

The Class Catalyst Curriculum teaching guide is broken up into:

    1. Class Catalyst or POP check-in
    2. Mini-lesson/Teaching Point: A script is provided for the teacher if needed. Teacher talk is minimized to encourage students to engage in their own learning. 
    3. Active Engagement: Independent and group activities provide an opportunity for students to practice competency development individually and with others.
    4. Reflection/Mindfulness Practice: Students write in their journals to reflect on the topic or participate in a mindfulness practice connected to the lesson.
    5. Memory Minute
Key Vocabulary

Evidence of Learning/Formative Assessment

This identifies which lesson activities or student work you can use to determine student understanding.

Navigating the Curriculum for Teachers:

1. Go to and enter your school-level login shared by the Class Catalyst team.

2. Select the grade-band for the competency on which you are focusing.

3. Select the lesson you are on or the one that most meets the success criteria you are looking for from your students.

4. The lesson plan can be navigated using the icons—just pick a lesson component (i.e. teaching guide) and click on it to get you where you want to be. A script is always available, but not required, to support your work. 

A Note for Districts Considering Implementation:

You have been provided with a “trial” log-in with access to one lesson from each unit. This will allow you to navigate and discover the functionality and ease of using the Class Catalyst Curriculum. You have access to SAMPLE lessons, not the entire curriculum. If you need access to additional content to make your purchasing decision, please contact: